Ali Abdullah Eshack Trading Stores - Aden, Yemen
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Company name
Ali Abdullah Eshack Trading Stores
Contact number
Mobile phone
00967 2 309596
Working hours
- Monday: 8:30 AM TO 9:30 PM
- Tuesday: 8:30 AM TO 9:30 PM
- Wednesday: 8:30 AM TO 9:30 PM
- Thursday: 8:30 AM TO 8:30 PM
- Friday: HOLIDAY
- Saturday: 8:30 AM TO 8:30 PM
- Sunday: 8:30 AM TO 8:30 PM
Company manager
2001-3000E-mail address
Company description
Ali Abdullah Eshack Stores
The company is one of the major importers in the Republic of Yemen with 11 branches suitably distributed in all major cities in the country. In addition to this the company has more than 85 sub-distributors.
The company imports its mechanise from numbers suppliers all over the world, some of which have appointed the company as their sole representative in the Republic of Yemen.
Estabished in 1952
owned by yemeni businessman with his 5 sons
have more than 11branch all over yemen
in industry line for agricultural spare parts, pumps spare parts, light construction machineries
commercial business, being an agent for some of the well known manufacturers
of diesel engines such as KUBOTA, and for pumps from cyprus such as ARITA, and from lebanon such as ARISTICO, for altanator from uk such as MARKON, and so on
The company is one of the major importers in the Republic of Yemen with 11 branches suitably distributed in all major cities in the country. In addition to this the company has more than 85 sub-distributors.
The company imports its mechanise from numbers suppliers all over the world, some of which have appointed the company as their sole representative in the Republic of Yemen.
Estabished in 1952
owned by yemeni businessman with his 5 sons
have more than 11branch all over yemen
in industry line for agricultural spare parts, pumps spare parts, light construction machineries
commercial business, being an agent for some of the well known manufacturers
of diesel engines such as KUBOTA, and for pumps from cyprus such as ARITA, and from lebanon such as ARISTICO, for altanator from uk such as MARKON, and so on
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